Tuesday 25 September 2012


Today I was watching the English class an when I was listning I heard them learning about massive.

Sentance variety
Effective verbs/adverbs

They went off in groups and they did different tasks to do with massive.


Whilst I am swimmign away in my fish bowl making bubbles I am looking at Miss Young's year 11 class group.  Today they are doing activities that willmake them learn about the word 'massive' and what each word stands for,this way shows that if they don't get it then they can ask Miss Young and then check your mistakes.  This is also a good ideas so the stduents won't get bored of sitting down and listening to the teacher they can move around and do activities.  I think this is a good idea of getting the students understanding of there own knowledge. The students was working very hard and to know what they are learning about. It looked like the children enjoyed this lesson very much.


Miss Young made us work in silent for the first bit.  We were writing a life in a aday of tambuzai in detail,we sues simple sentences and made them into complex.  We had fun and had a joke then a girl walked in an called out a detichon for someone. Miss Young made a joke and layed ont he floor because everyone kept talking, it was funny. Then it was end of lessons so we could go home now,I was excited as I wanted to sleep in my new cave what Miss Young got me.  I'm worn out form school. Nice nap I think.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Another Good lesson

Today everyone was learning about this girl called Tambuzai, and we we watched a video about her to see her day in her life, then after that they had to pretend to be Tambuzai and write a diary about her day from waking up to her dreams. Tambuzai doesn't go to school anymore she lives with her Auntie and her dad who is seriously ill. Everyone by the looks of it had wrote a lot of pages. After that they went on learning about metephores and smilies and a lot more stuff. Did you know a metephore is when you explain or describe something that is not the actual thing? see i don't just swim around in my fishbowl i also remember and learn what miss Young is talking about, I can't wait for next lesson i wonder what were all going to do next.


My Name is youngie and today I was in B13 and the class were going round to different tables and reading the sheets and doing the activities, I normally sit and watch because that's what I do best, I normally sit on the side and relax while they all do there work for lunch I normally have fish food and that's just yummy well it is actually my favourite then after lucn I have a nice lovely rest.


Hello fellow followers who are reading my blog, good afternoon.  I am studying English and I've been watching this class, half of them work and the others do some weird things.  For example one of them was dancing at the back of the room.  I did learn something though like I found out what the meaning of some words are, but I forgot as I am a goldfish, I am learning though, eventually I'll be a genius.  Anyways , until next time, I'm off, thanks for reading my diary.

Great start

Great start
I had a great day today because i wasn't the only new person on the block, his name is Matt he's quite tall and he's blonde and i haven't heard him speak that much but im sure he could tell good jokes, which reminds me a few people told some jokes they were terrible this girl called Melissa told a knock, knock joke it wasn't very funny even though i've heard it a thousond times and a boy called Alex was asked by miss Young to tell a joke but he couldn't think of any at the time. Miss Young started a new topic for everyone which was about everyone's lives in a normal day in the week everyone had quite a lot to write, i don't have very much to write about i only live in a fish bowl but im happy in my fish bowl, Can't wait for next lesson i wonder what we all will do.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

First English lesson

Phew!  That was a good first lesson.  I wasn't the only new kid on the block, another new fish, or boy to be precise joined today as well.  Good to know I'm not the only one.  We started by looking ahead the rest of year, it's going to go really quickly!  Miss Young tried to get Alex to tell a joke but he didn't know any.   Melissa told a knock knock joke, it was terrible.  However the worst joke came from Miss Young, oh dear someone by that woman a joke book.

Miss Young introduced the first topic which is writing about our lives and about a day in our lives.  We spent time filling in a grid about what we do in a typical day.  Everyone seemed to have a lot more to write than me.  I lead a pretty simple life in this bowl but I'm happy.  The key to good writing is detail.  Details, details, details.

Tuesday 4 September 2012

Can't sleep

I can't sleep.  I've tried counting bubbles but I keep forgetting and having to start again!  I'm nervous. I wonder if everyone will like . Should I tell a joke? A goldfish related joke always goes down well. What do you get if you cross goldfish bowl with a tv? Tele-fishon! Haaaaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa! Yes? Ok maybe not? I wonder what we will learn tomorrow.  I hope they don't think I'm stupid. I know some Shakespeare! "What's in a name?", erm that's all I know!

Excited and Nervous

If I was putting an advert for a fish friend in a lonely hearts column I would say; one friendly and nonchalant (means cool) fish seeks friends to amuse and learn new tricks from.

I was just thinking of putting that ad in the River Times when Miss Young said new friends were on their way and I would definitely learn some new tricks.  The best news is I will meet them tomorrow!


I wonder what I should wear?

What's in a name?

"What's in a name?" is a famous line said by Juliet to Romeo in the play (you guessed it) Romeo & Juliet. She is trying to tell Romeo it doesn't matter that they are from two different families who hate each other.

And you thought I was just a dumb fish didn't you? Come on be honest, did you? Yes you reading this right now, I'm talking to you!

Well to be honest I am a bit stupid, I said a bit, not alot! I copied that bit about old Julie and Romey from Miss Young. It's right though you can check if you don't believe me!

Anyway what I want to know is why has Miss Young called me Youngie...I just can't work it out!

Suggestions on a postcard to
Youngie Fish
The Fish Bowl
English Office
English Corridor



Hello?!  HELLO??!!  Is there anybody there???

It's dark in here.....I thought I was here to learn some English???!!
